

Hanger Farm is the perfect small theatre venue for your next performance.

Just minutes away from the New Forest National Park and conveniently close to the M27, our characterful yet modern barn offers the ideal setting for your next production or event. 

Our space

The Theatre provides an ideal area for performances, workshops and classes.

The maximum seating capacity is 163, using a mixture of 76 stacking chairs, 83 fixed tiered seating and four wheelchair spaces. 

The bleacher seats are fully retractable and can be stored away on prior arrangement with the venue. The seating capacity can be altered to suit your event. Minimum capacity is 83 seats unless removed completely.

Tech spec

The performance area is at floor level, with a PA system and a full lighting rig (please speak to a member of our team for more information).

The venue has access to deck staging. If staging is required, please contact us for more information on sizes and arrangements.

Access to the auditorium is via the main entrance to the venue but vehicles may deliver items to the loading doors by prior arrangement with the venue Manager.

The floor is fully sprung to accommodate dance activities and physical workshops. 

All detailed practical arrangements, e.g. staging requirements or seating plans must be advised well in advance of the event so that staff are able to carry out your requirements. Please see our Hanger Farm tech specification and Hanger Farm theatre tech plan for more information.

Please contact us for information on our standard hire charges and our terms & conditions. To view the facilities and request a booking form, please fill out our enquiry form below.



Frequently Asked Questions:

Can we come and have a look?

We advise all companies wanting to visit the centre to book in advance by phoning the Centre Manager. Any specific questions for the Management relating to your production can be answered by contacting the centre directly.

What does Hanger Farm provide?

Hire of the theatre includes access to and use of stage area, dressing rooms and auditorium. We also have a gallery space, which can be booked in addition to the main space. Use of this area for exhibitions, meetings and rehearsals will need to be specifically arranged with the Centre Manager.

Is the equipment included in the hire price?

The hire fee includes use of sound and lighting equipment already on site (see Technical Information & Regulations and General Equipment List). Any additional or specialist equipment you may require can be hired through the centre by prior arrangement. Please note that there will be an additional charge for the sourcing of equipment; this will be reflected in the overall hire charge.

If your hire is without technical assistance then there will be no technical presence at your event/ production or access to any of the Hanger Farm technical equipment.

What technical support do you provide?

Sound and lighting equipment can only be operated by the Centre unless prior arrangements have been made to the satisfaction of the centre. The technical box is off limits to all personnel unless special permission is granted by the Centre.

The Centre will oversee technical arrangements when required – dates and times must be stated when booking.

If lights and/or sound are required for your hire, it is a necessity that in-house Technician will be in attendance at all times during your hire period at the listed rate.

It may be acceptable for you to provide your own proficient technician/s for your hire. However they will need to be under the supervision/direction of the Centre Technician. The Centre Technician may be present to oversee and supervise your rigging of lighting and sound equipment and to ensure familiarisation with the sound/lighting desk.

If you have agreed to use the services of the Centre Technician to rig and operate Sound and Lights for your hire, full details of your requirements must be forwarded to Hanger Farm Arts Centre at least 14 Days before your hire commences.

The hirer must understand that should they use their own Technician, they will be fully responsible for any damage caused to the centre equipment during their hire period and invoiced for the repair/replacement accordingly.  All props and equipment belonging to a hirer should be removed from the Centre immediately after a period of hire.

Any items left at the Centre may be disposed of after 7 Days.

How long can we stay?

With Hanger Farm used during the daytime for various activities, arrangements for your time at the centre must be adhered to. Please ensure when making your booking that your hire time is adequate for all your preparations, the actual event and for the clearing up afterwards. The centre has the right, at its own discretion, to charge for extra hours outside the times stated on the contract. Should you need to extend the hours beyond those times specified, prior arrangement must be made with the Centre Manager.

Visiting companies are required to remove from the theatre all of their equipment, scenery, costumes and props on the night of their last performance. Failure to do so on departure may result in them being thrown away or a charge being administered for storage. The centre does not have the facilities to dispose of unwanted scenery and other items, and companies are required to take everything with them. If you have a valid reason for not being able to conduct a full get-out on the night of your last show, arrangements must be made with the centre in advance of programmed performance dates, in order to arrange for a suitable time to do so.

Performance rules

The stage area is surrounded by a number of wooden beams. Under no circumstances should anything to be fixed or attached to the beams as they are protected under the heritage listing.

For stage marking please use PVC/LX tape only. Gaffa tape can be used for running cables, with prior permission.

Special effects comprising use of pyrotechnics, gun-effects, naked flames and smoke/ haze must be authorised by the centre before use. Permission to use pyrotechnic effects and naked flames must be applied for and received from the local authority. Advance notification therefore is required if these effects are needed. Please refer to The Technical Information and Regulations.

It is your responsibility to ensure that your staff and any children using the space do not touch any equipment, plugs or sockets, unless granted permission to do so by arts centre staff. Sockets and items of equipment are switched on or off for a reason. If you think that something is irregular, please notify the theatre staff.

Please be aware that audience access to the left hand side of the theatre is by automatic door. Controlled by a push button, there is a short delay before the door opens making this side of the theatre difficult to use as an exit for actors. If actors need to exit via the audience rather than to backstage, the stage left/ audience right side of the auditorium bleacher seating is advised.

Who can have access to the site?

No unauthorised persons (including friends and relatives) are allowed backstage at any time. Authorised personnel are allowed access only on the dates and during the hours specified in the contract/ booking.

No unauthorised persons are allowed in the technical box, box office, and kitchen or behind the bar unless prior arrangement has been made.

Companies are requested to keep a Stage Door Register listing all cast and crew present for the production. They must sign in and out of the building as necessary. This will assist the fire warden in the event of an evacuation.

How should we treat the auditorium?

The auditorium must be cleared of people, rubbish and all other items half an hour before the performance is due to start or as and when required by arts centre staff.

Do not use tape or glue to secure equipment/posters etc. to any part of the auditorium/foyer i.e. carpets, walls, ceiling etc. unless authorised by centre staff. We are a listed building and have conservation regulations that apply to us that may not apply in other theatres you have worked in before.

Please do not put feet or shoes on any part of the seating in the auditorium.

Where are the fire exits?

All entrances, exits and fire exits, either on stage, backstage or in the auditorium, must be kept clear of all items, including bags, costumes, props and scenery as this can cause a severe fire hazard.

Please ensure all gangways are kept clear of equipment, cables, tripods etc. Unmanned tripods are not permitted in any aisle or gangway.

If costume changes are to be made in the backstage area or side wings then all clutter must be kept as tidily as possible. These areas are emergency exit routes during an evacuation and must be kept clear.

What are the safety considerations?

Hanger Farm has a RedCare connected fire alarm system. The centre holds all necessary licences and certification to enable us to function as a performance venue.

Hanger Farm operates a strict health and safety policy. A copy of the risk assessment for the centre is available on written request.

The centre withholds the right to refuse the use of equipment that is deemed unsafe. If you are building your own scenery/props, or bringing your own sound/lighting equipment, please ensure it is safe to use. You must be able to present a current PAT test certificate for all appliances. Any set and drapes brought into the centre must be treated with flame retardant.

Written confirmation that the above requirements have been met must be signed by your production manager and logged with the centre before either set or equipment may be used in the theatre space.

Television receiving equipment must not be brought into the theatre as we do not hold a current TV Licence.

Do I need a music license?

If you intend to play recorded music before, after or during your event you must declare this to the Centre Co-ordinator along with a copy of the programme of music to be used. All PRS for Music charges for the event will be passed on to the Hirer. See Conditions of Hire for more details.

Can children perform?

Productions and events involving children on stage must have an adequate provision of chaperones to ensure their welfare at all times. Children under 16 must be supervised and there must be at least one chaperone to every 12 children. The licensing of children as defined in The Children (Performances) Amendment Regulations 2000 is the sole responsibility of the Visiting Company, any irregularities in the provision of adequate supervision will be reported by Hanger Farm Arts Centre management to the relevant authorities.

Smoking regulations

Smoking is prohibited in the centre and on the surrounding site. If any members of your company smoke, please speak to the Centre Staff about safe areas for this.

No food or drink is to be taken on to the stage area. If food or liquid is to be used on stage during the performance please discuss this with the Centre prior to the event.

Chewing gum is not encouraged but we ask please that it be disposed of carefully and respectfully.

What if something is damaged?

All equipment in the building is the property of Hanger Farm and Minstead Trust. Any breakages will be charged to your company. This includes deliberate damage or vandalism to any area of the site.

All items brought into the centre are your responsibility. No liability will be held by Hanger Farm or Minstead Trust for any items that go missing or are damaged.

What box office service do you offer?

Hanger Farm offers a full box office service for hirers which is included in the Standard Hirer Charges.  This service includes professionally printed tickets, an online, in-person and telephone box office service using TicketSolve, inclusion in Hanger Farm’s Season brochure (where sufficient notice is given), and inclusion on the Hanger Farm website. (A 50p booking charge is made on all tickets)

If you choose to use the Hanger Farm box office service, all ticket sales must be made through the Hanger Farm.  It is perfectly acceptable for a hirer to produce and sell their own tickets and, wherever possible, the Hanger Farm will provide marketing for the event.  However, in this case, the Hanger Farm will not provide any box office service, either prior to, or on the day of the event.